
Retail Jeweler Jewelers of Maitland 32751 Maitland FL


Retail Jeweler Jewelers of Maitland 32751 Maitland FL
Jewelers of Maitland
500 East Horatio Avenue #1
Maitland, FL 32751

Serving Maitland, Apopka, and Orlando Florida

We are your destination for magnificent jewelry, no matter if you are looking for loose diamonds or a finished ring. Besides our massive collection of certified diamonds, pearls and rare gemstones, we are your local jewelers, who can help you create a personal custom design.
The Perfect Diamond Anniversary Band
Once there were only two pieces to a wedding step, the diamond engagement ring came first, and the wedding ring followed. Now is the time for the perfect triplet to these sentimental favorites: the diamond anniversary band. In its inception, the diamond anniversary band was a 25th anniversary gift. Currently, couples find this band as the perfect romantic gift on any anniversary. Come by today to start your way into the vague at your local jewelry store. Our custom design jewelers can help you stand apart from the rest.
A few of the most popular styles today are the classic tubular band entrenched with diamond pav or flat, sleek band glistening with rows of channel-set diamonds. The more trendy stackable models, in which all the bands stack on each other, or the unique look of a yellow or champagne colored diamond will set you apart.
The diamond anniversary has great range in its style, making it the perfect anniversary gift. It can mimic the wedding set, or move into a contemporary look. It can compliment a simple solitaire engagement ring and wedding band, or vary into a modern work of art with asymmetrical dimension and diamonds set at opposing angles.

We understand the difference you require from a retailer jeweler. Come in today to see how our bench jewelers can help you be the envy of everyone.