
Tallahassee Florida | Mens Diamond Jewelry | The Gem Collection

The Gem Collection is your destination for diamonds. We have a beautiful collection of loose diamonds as well as diamond jewelry that is sure to satisfy even the most difficult gifts. Diamonds signify a purity that puts anyone at ease no matter the circumstance. Therefore, come in to see our stunning collection of diamonds here at The Gem Collection.

Searching for the perfect diamond can be a challenging prospect because understanding what factors price a diamond can be difficult to ascertain. However, our talented staff here at The Gem Collection understands what factors determine the price of a diamond, and even more, we can help you to know what to look for whether it is here or if you decide to take your business elsewhere, you will have the knowledge on what to look for in a diamond.

Diamonds are gauged on four aspects: clarity, color, cut and carat. Most people when looking at this list will think that carat will be the most important, and while it does factor in, it is not the one to look at. Because two diamonds the same carat could have a major difference in price. The biggest factor to look at is the cut. The cut determines the amount of light to enter the stone and gives the brilliance to a diamond. If the cut is not mathematically precise, then the brilliance will not burn bright. The diamond then will not be worth as much.

Come in today to see our beautiful collection of diamonds here at The Gem Collection, 3501 Thomasville Road,  Tallahassee, FL  32309, Ph (850) 893-4171.  http://GemCollection.com Click Here.

This article first appeared on AP Diamonds Blog.